God is father to people who become children of god through faith in. Our church subscribes to the baptist faith and message as adopted by the southern baptist convention, in the year 2000. In adopting the 2000 baptist faith and message, southern baptists are determined to face the future from the high ground of biblical faithfulness. Southern baptist convention the baptist faith and message 18. The convention added an article on the family in 1998, thus answering. In 1998 and again in 2000, major revisions have been made in the southern baptist conventions confession of faith, bfm63, which is the only doctrinal. Pictorial roster of the baptist faith and message study committee. Printready pdf version of the baptist faith and message.
The individual resources have been combined into this single. The 1999 session of the southern baptist convention, meeting in atlanta, georgia, adopted the following motion addressed to the. Southern baptist convention the baptist faith and message bfm2000bfm2000. These resources are provided courtesy of the southern baptist convention and baptist press. The 2000 statement of the baptist faith and message is our doctrinal guideline. Powered by create your own unique website with customizable templates. The major revision of the baptist faith and message adopted in 2000 by the south ern baptist convention demonstrates that. Pastor scott grew up in the flatwoods community of lee county and currently resides in rye cove with his wife, allison and their two children emilee and andrew. We have sought to clarify the intention of both previous editions 1925 and 1963 of the baptist faith and message, said the pastor of bellevue baptist church in cordova, tenn. The history of baptist theology particularly the late 19 th through the 20 th centuries is a. The baptist faith and message downloadable pdf file. Your committee respects and celebrates the heritage of the baptist faith and message, and affirms the decision of the convention in 1925 to adopt the new hampshire confession of faith, revised at certain points and with some additional articles growing out of certain needs. You are viewing the baptist faith and message as adopted by the sbc on june 14, 2000, along with commentary on each article, as written mainly by southern baptist theological seminary faculty. Baptists are a people of deep beliefs and cherished doctrines.
To order additional copies of this resource, write to lifeway church resources. We encourage you to click on the above image, or pdf file, to read, save, andor print, a copy for. On june 14, 2000, the southern baptist convention adopted a revised summary. Report of the baptist faith and message study committee to the southern baptist convention. In 1963, southern baptists responded to assaults upon the authority and truthfulness of the bible by adopting revisions to the baptist faith and message. Since the report of the committee on statement of baptist faith and message was adopted in 1925, there have been various statements from time to time which. Baptist faith and message 2000 baptist studies online.
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